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Canal Greys

Canal Greys
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Another proper old skool pattern. I've not made these for a long time and when asked how could I say no. Absolute classi…

2BB Canal Greys (yellow)

2BB Canal Greys (yellow)


Out of stock

Another proper old skool pattern. I've not made these for a long time and when asked how could I say no. Absolute classi…

3BB Canal Greys (red)

3BB Canal Greys (red)


Out of stock

Another proper old skool pattern. I've not made these for a long time and when asked how could I say no. Absolute classi…

3BB Canal Greys (yellow)

3BB Canal Greys (yellow)


Out of stock

Another proper old skool pattern. I've not made these for a long time and when asked how could I say no. Absolute classi…

4BB Canal Greys (red)

4BB Canal Greys (red)


Out of stock

Another proper old skool pattern. I've not made these for a long time and when asked how could I say no. Absolute classi…

4BB Canal Greys (yellow)

4BB Canal Greys (yellow)


Out of stock

Another proper old skool pattern. I've not made these for a long time and when asked how could I say no. Absolute classi…

5BB Canal Greys (red)

5BB Canal Greys (red)


Out of stock

Another proper old skool pattern. I've not made these for a long time and when asked how could I say no. Absolute classi…

5BB Canal Greys (yellow)

5BB Canal Greys (yellow)


Out of stock

Another proper old skool pattern. I've not made these for a long time and when asked how could I say no. Absolute classi…

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