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River Polesticks

River Polesticks
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0.5g River Polestick (RED)

0.5g River Polestick (RED)


As name suggests, a Carbon stemmed Stick float for fishing either to hand or long linning on the River. Based very much …

0.5g River Polestick (YELLOW)

0.5g River Polestick (YELLOW)


My first ever CnC Pencil and a power pencil to boot. Establised during spring and summer of 2023 so well tested IG-F as …

0.6g River Polesticks (RED)

0.6g River Polesticks (RED)


As name suggests, a Carbon stemmed Stick float for fishing either to hand or long linning on the River. Based very much …

0.6g River Polesticks (YELLOW)

0.6g River Polesticks (YELLOW)


As name suggests, a Carbon stemmed Stick float for fishing either to hand or long linning on the River. Based very much …

0.7g River Polestick (RED)

0.7g River Polestick (RED)


As name suggests, a Carbon stemmed Stick float for fishing either to hand or long linning on the River. Based very much …

0.7g River Polestick (YELLOW)

0.7g River Polestick (YELLOW)


As name suggests, a Carbon stemmed Stick float for fishing either to hand or long linning on the River. Based very much …

1.2Gr River Polestick (RED)

1.2Gr River Polestick (RED)


As name suggests, a Carbon stemmed Stick float for fishing either to hand or long linning on the River. Based very much …

1.2Gr River Polestick (YELLOW)

1.2Gr River Polestick (YELLOW)


As name suggests, a Carbon stemmed Stick float for fishing either to hand or long linning on the River. Based very much …

1.5Gr River Polestick (RED)

1.5Gr River Polestick (RED)


As name suggests, a Carbon stemmed Stick float for fishing either to hand or long linning on the River. Based very much …

1.5Gr River Polestick (YELLOW)

1.5Gr River Polestick (YELLOW)


As name suggests, a Carbon stemmed Stick float for fishing either to hand or long linning on the River. Based very much …

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