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Carbon F1 Shella

Carbon F1 Shella
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2x10 Carbon F1 Shella (RED)

2x10 Carbon F1 Shella (RED)


As name suggests, ideally suited to F1's Shallow with maggot, 4mm banded or my fav Caster. 3 sizes available 2x10, 3x10 …

2x10 Carbon F1 Shella (YELLOW)

2x10 Carbon F1 Shella (YELLOW)


As name suggests, ideally suited to F1's Shallow with maggot, 4mm banded or my fav Caster. 3 sizes available 2x10, 3x10 …

3x10 Carbon F1 Shella (RED)

3x10 Carbon F1 Shella (RED)


Out of stock

As name suggests, ideally suited to F1's Shallow with maggot, 4mm banded or my fav Caster. 3 sizes available 2x10, 3x10 …

3x10 Carbon F1 Shella (YELLOW)

3x10 Carbon F1 Shella (YELLOW)


As name suggests, ideally suited to F1's Shallow with maggot, 4mm banded or my fav Caster. 3 sizes available 2x10, 3x10 …

4x10 Carbon F1 Shella (RED)

4x10 Carbon F1 Shella (RED)


As name suggests, ideally suited to F1's Shallow with maggot, 4mm banded or my fav Caster. 3 sizes available 2x10, 3x10 …

4x10 Carbon F1 Shella (YELLOW)

4x10 Carbon F1 Shella (YELLOW)


As name suggests, ideally suited to F1's Shallow with maggot, 4mm banded or my fav Caster. 3 sizes available 2x10, 3x10 …

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