MB (Hand-turned) Canal & Carp Specials
Lots of things have changed in angling over the last three decade's or so (actually four lol, 80's, 90's, the noughtys and now the teenies!!!), However the Hand turning techniques I use have not. It would have been so easy to change over to automated cnc production completely and compete with the major company's. But that personal touch and the uniqueness of a hobby Float Maker would be lost. (quite possible MB (Hand-turned) Specials as well.) So by staying a small hobbyist float-maker has helped cater for most match anglers individual needs and although mainly canal (SILVER FISH) orientated, I have still managed to produce a large range of commercial style patterns. I even still make the odd stick float now and again, which really does make MB (Hand-turned) Specials very versatile indeed. More info can be found within my web pages at www.mbfloats.co.uk
The HT Commercial Fishing Float Range
However the floats (bodies/profiles) within the HT range are not made by MB, but manufactured by other top float-makers on professionally purpose built float profileing cnc machinary and are only assembled and finished by myself . ("Not turned by MB")